Klaipeda District Tourism Information Center

13. Common Chiffchaff

Size: Smaller than a sparrow (L10‒12 cm)

Life expectancy: 7‒8 years

Distribution: 400 000‒800 000 pairs

Breeding: Breeds in forests, higher bushes, often near water bodies, rivers. The nest is usually made on the ground, less often - higher among herbs, in a thicket, on a low branch or near a wall covered with plants. The nest is dome-shaped with a wide opening on the side. It is built from moss, dry leaves and plant remains, and the inside is thickly covered with feathers. The nest is built by the female. The Common Chiffchaff breeds once a year. Lays 4-9 eggs each. Only the female incubates the young for 13‒15 days. The young are fed by the female, the male helps a little during 12-15 days and then the young fly away.

Appearance: A grey-brown bird, eyebrows weakly expressed, legs dark-colored.